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You Are Stronger

Worship had already begun.  The lights were lowered, and we were all joined in praise.  From my vantage point, I could see a family walking down the aisle trying to find seats.  Normally, I wouldn’t have given them a second look, but there was a child in the family who caught my eye.  She was in a powered wheelchair, and looked frail.  I don’t know her age, nor her story, but I was glad to see her at church.  Her family found a row with a cutout spot for her wheelchair, and immediately joined in worship.

I watched the young girl for a few moments and my suspicions were confirmed.  She was weak, and looked to be in some pain.  I made a snap judgement, and began to feel sorry for her. Then, in the midst of my pity for her, the worship band began the first few chords of the next song.  Suddenly, the faces of her family members lit up, and they began to get excited.  The excitement was directed towards the young girl in the wheelchair.  She, too, seemed to brighten up.  I wanted to know why, so I continued to watch.  When the band came to the chorus of the song, she lifted her tired arms and sang as loudly as she could:

You are stronger you are stronger
Sin is broken you have saved me
It is written Christ is risen
Jesus you are Lord of all

Her praise was being expressed from the very depths of her soul.  We sang the next verse and chorus while she continued with her arms lifted high.  It was in the bridge of the song that she started to succumb to her body’s limitations, and her arms began to fall.  We began singing the bridge:

So let your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher, be lifted higher

Hands Lifted in WorshipOver and over again, we sang those words.  As the young girl’s arms finally fell, her sister, who appeared to be just a few years older than she, grabbed her arms and lifted them FOR HER.  They continued in that pose until the song came to an end.

Stronger.  So often, we fall into the worldly habit of thinking we are in control.  We are strong enough to face this world due to how great we are.  We are led into false assumptions of our own endurance, and our overconfidence gets us into the worst situations.  We have declared our independence from God, and because of that we are destined to fail.

You know who was the strongest person attending worship that night?  It was the young girl with more special needs than I will ever have to encounter.  She knows that she has no strength on her own.  Her earthly body has failed her.  But, her resignation to that fact allows her a freedom that few ever get to experience.

When you have to rely on others for daily needs, as I do, you come to realize that there is a freedom in that reliance.  I know I cannot take care of all of my own needs, and in that, I am forced to rely upon someone else.  That reliance can easily then be translated to the spiritual need to rely upon God.  Any pride in my own physical prowess was thrown out the window a long time ago.  Good riddance.  That pride only slowed me down in my race towards God.  My surrender and reliance is my freedom.  I know I am not strong on my own, but I am infinitely strong in Him.

What melted my heart and produced tears in my eyes that night at church was that I was being taught a lesson of which I needed to be reminded.

A lesson of dependence.
A lesson of humility.
A lesson on how to be strong – taught by the physically weakest, but spiritually strongest person in the room.

Our Books Now Available in Kindle Editions

We are thrilled to share with you that we have decided to move beyond the stone age and offer our two books, “All He Needs for Heaven” and “I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy” in digital format for your Kindle (as well as your iPhone or iPad with a Kindle reader) through Amazon.com! To celebrate our ‘coming of age’ with these new digital releases, between now and March 13th you can purchase each book for your Kindle for techy low price of $5.99 per book! While we hope you enjoy reading our books in this new format, more importantly, we hope our ministry challenges and encourages you to live a happy, productive life!

Click here to purchase I’m Not Broken in Kindle Format.

Click here to purchase All He Needs for Heaven in Kindle Format.

(Both links will take you to Amazon.com.)

Can You Play Flag Football With No Arms?

I had an opportunity a couple of years ago to meet Vanessa in a mall in San Antonio.  She was excited to meet someone who looked like her son, David.  He, too, does not have arms, but has the spirit to succeed no matter what.  I had hoped that I would one day hear of the amazing things that David had accomplished, but was surprised to learn at just a few years old, he has already done something I have never done.  Check out this video below, and be inspired by David who has yet to give up on his dreams:


New Book: I’m Not Broken – You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy

I'm Not Broken (Cover)I’m proud to announce that my new book, “I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy” is finally out!  This book has been tons of fun to write as I was able share some of my life’s lessons on how to truly be happy. I learned at a very young age that my happiness could not depend on what I had or did not have, so I’ve spent my life making sure that my happiness comes from within. In this new book, you’ll learn my secrets on how to live life more abundantly, and how to truly be happy in any situation. I invite you to head to the All He Needs for Heaven store with the link below, and pick up a copy today. Not only do I promise a fun and engaging read, but you’ll also be  helping our ministry with your investment in this guide to happiness. 

Purchase I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy!

HitchedMag.com Article – The Holiday Shuffle

While I am currently enjoying a long family vacation, I thought it would only be appropriate to let you know about a brand new article of mine on HitchedMag.com.  The article is entitled, “The Holiday Shuffle,” and it explores several ways to survive the holiday season with your happiness still intact.  I hope you enjoy “The Holiday Shuffle.”  We leave on the Disney Wonder cruise ship, tomorrow, and are really looking forward to a relaxing cruise.

(The picture on the article is of the Sneed family at their yearly family gathering.  We love meeting up with them every year.)

Chet To Be Featured as an Inspirational Luminary on Nov 12

Please join me on November 12th, 2008 as I am the featured Inspirational Luminary on InspireMeToday.com. InspireMeToday.com is a website that provides the best inspiration daily, each day from a different Luminary from the fields of empowerment, health, business, family, loving relationships and more. You’ll enjoy reading my ‘Today’s Brilliance’, my personal 500-word text of the best things I’ve learned in life. The 30 minute interview with Gail Lynne Goodwin and me is amazing! As my gift to you, just use the affliate code provided on this invitation to access the free inspiration!


 When you register, please remember to use my referral code: 7XLFUFA1J3

New Look and More to Come

In case you are wondering where my old site is…I’ve overhauled the look and feel of ChetMcDoniel.com. Not only was it time for a better layout, but I’m planning to load in lots more info about speaking and other things about my life. So, check back often over the next few days/weeks as more content is uploaded to go along with this great new look!

Let me know what you think about layout and look of the new site!


Over the past few months, Joni and I have felt the Lord’s calling to tell my story to any and all who will listen. In order to do that best, I have resigned my position as worship minister from Plymouth Park Church of Christ. We feel that this ministry is so important, we must pursue it at all costs…even giving up something we love. We’ll be back to Plymouth Park whenever we can, and whenever asked to come back as a guest worship leader. We love our Plymouth Park family, and thank them for the kindness they’ve shown to us during this transition.

We’ll be in Odessa, TX this weekend for my niece’s HS graduation and to give our “All He Needs” presentation on Sunday morning at the New Life Church. It will be a busy weekend as we’ll then head on to Lubbock to visit Joni’s family. We are excited about this weekend, and every opportunity the Lord gives us to tell our story!