When Kids Say…
I was recently approached a reporter from “The Plain Dealer” by the name of John Campanelli regarding how I handle a situation when a child says something inappropriate about me or to me. He quoted me as saying:
“I often try to go directly to the child and open up a conversation with them,” he said via e-mail (he types with his feet). “It may be that they have never seen someone like me, and often times, I am able to show them that I am a person, too, and that they do not have to be afraid of me just because I look different.” (pg. 3, Advice for handling kids’ embarrassing comments)
I would like to take a moment to write even more about this topic as it is very important to me. Quite frequently, when I am in public, kids stare, laugh, point, or yell out things like, “Hey, what happened to your arms.”
The worst way, in my opinion, for a parent to react is to ignore the child, or to rebuke the child openly/loudly for their behavior. I have even seen parents hit or spank their children for the outburst. I can only assume that the parent is embarassed, and yes, outbursts like that need to be corrected, however, I believe that type of correction only serves the purpose of furthering the child’s fear of people who look different than they do.
If the parent has the opportunity, I recommend for them to stop what they are doing, get eye-to-eye with the child, and explain that some people look different, but that does not mean they aren’t people, too. Many times, with this reaction, I’m able to speak to both the parent and child, which reinforces what I am saying because mom or dad can interject when needed. Even better, when the parent involves me in the conversation, I get a golden opportunity to share God’s love with both the parent and the child. Even though I may look different, God still loves me in every way that He loves you. This message so important, and every child needs to hear it (and every parent, too).
I welcome the opportunity for a child to have questions. The sooner I can teach them not to fear, the better off we are as a country with one more child growing up without a fear of others.
Family Time
My dad and I had the wonderful opportunity to share our story at the New Life Church in Odessa, TX this past Sunday. My brother and his family attend here, and I got to lead their praise team which my brother and niece both sing on. We had a great weekend watching my niece graduate from High School and spending time with family. The weekend was capped off by a powerful worship service. In the picture above, I am leading with Ben Wall (far left) and my niece and brother (on the right).
The New Life Church is full of life and energy and their excitement could easily be seen in their passionate worship. One special moment of the service that morning was when my whole family was able to gather around a small communion table and share communion together. What a powerful experience!
After Sunday morning, Joni, Hannah and I drove to Lubbock to visit with relatives on Joni’s side of the family. We even got a 5 generation picture from Hannah all the way up to Hannah’s Great-Great Grandmother. Truly a “once-in-a-lifetime” picture that will be a wonderful keepsake. After stopping in Abilene on the way home to visit more relatives, we finally made it back to DFW Tuesday morning. You can see more pictures of that portion of the trip on our family blog, McDoniel Family.
We’re all still tired, but we had a wonderful weekend, and we were given yet another chance to tell our story.
Want Jim and Chet McDoniel to come to your church? Click “Booking Information” above to get learn more.
Over the past few months, Joni and I have felt the Lord’s calling to tell my story to any and all who will listen. In order to do that best, I have resigned my position as worship minister from Plymouth Park Church of Christ. We feel that this ministry is so important, we must pursue it at all costs…even giving up something we love. We’ll be back to Plymouth Park whenever we can, and whenever asked to come back as a guest worship leader. We love our Plymouth Park family, and thank them for the kindness they’ve shown to us during this transition.
We’ll be in Odessa, TX this weekend for my niece’s HS graduation and to give our “All He Needs” presentation on Sunday morning at the New Life Church. It will be a busy weekend as we’ll then head on to Lubbock to visit Joni’s family. We are excited about this weekend, and every opportunity the Lord gives us to tell our story!
Raise the Roof with Praise
About a week and a half ago, my dad and I got a chance to present our story to the Saturn Road Church of Christ in Garland, TX. I had heard of this church and the rumor was that they are a “singing church.” I can completely confirm the rumor. I got a chance to lead the congregation in worship, and they truly sing with all of their hearts. I have never seen so many smiling faces during worship. Saturn Road is to be commended for their love of praise, and I would be glad to lead them in worship any time!
Would you like Chet and Jim McDoniel to present their story at your church? Click here to request more information!
Preaching to the Choir
Dawson Middle School – Go Dragons!
This morning, my dad and I were invited to speak at Dawson Middle School in Southlake, TX. We have adapted our “All He Needs Presentation” for middle school students, and love getting to talk to a youthful audience. We did this same presentation at Dawson last school year. I must be honest…when I was asked to do this last year…I really had some concerns. I mean, Jr. High was many years ago for me and even more for my dad. How do you talk to seventh graders?
Well, let me tell you…when the seventh graders you are speaking to are “Dragons” at Dawson Middle School, you have nothing to worry about! These students were among the most well-behaved kids I have ever been around. They paid excellent attention and asked great questions! My dad and I had a wonderful time speaking to them, and I hope that we were able to uplift and encourage with our presentation.
I challenged the “Dragons” to a smile experiment. Their mission, should they choose to accept it, is to intentionally smile all day tomorrow when someone makes eye contact with them. I can’t wait to hear the results of how a few smiles can raise the spirits of a school! If you are a “Dragon” that heard us this morning, please comment below on how the smile experiment goes tomorrow!
Jim and Chet McDoniel are available for school presentations like the one you read about above. To request more information, please click on “Contact Information” at the top of the page.
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