New Book: I’m Not Broken – You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy
I’m proud to announce that my new book, “I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to Be Happy” is finally out! This book has been tons of fun to write as I was able share some of my life’s lessons on how to truly be happy. I learned at a very young age that my happiness could not depend on what I had or did not have, so I’ve spent my life making sure that my happiness comes from within. In this new book, you’ll learn my secrets on how to live life more abundantly, and how to truly be happy in any situation. I invite you to head to the All He Needs for Heaven store with the link below, and pick up a copy today. Not only do I promise a fun and engaging read, but you’ll also be helping our ministry with your investment in this guide to happiness.
I Don’t Have Arms…So What?
I want to give you a sneak peek at my new book, entitled “I’m Not Broken.” I hope to have the book out by the end of the year. Here is an excerpt from the chapter entitled, “Change Your Perspective”:
The obvious thing here is to spend some time on what it means to be able to see the positive side of not having arms. So many people, upon first glance, see me as unwhole, handicapped, and typically take pity on me. Why? Because they don’t know the awesome life I live. I don’t have arms…
…But I can drive a van that has special equipment.
…But I can type with my feet at over 35 words per minute
…But I can write with my feet
…But I can feed myself and brush my teeth with my feet
…But I can “hold hands” with my wife…with my feet
…But I can hold my daughter up in the air and play “Super Hannah” with my feet
Yes, there are elements to not having arms that genuinely “bite it.” I have daily aches and pains that won’t ever go away because my body is not designed to do the things I do with it. For instance, some doctors told my parents early on that I wouldn’t be able to walk. I can walk just fine, though, long distances are a problem due to having no bone support structure in my hips. I walk on sheer muscle mass and willpower. I can’t do some things for myself that others take for granted. There are problems in life. But…you don’t need to be missing limbs to know that, right?
Instead, focusing on the positive has allowed me to develop a personality that my wife found attractive enough to want to marry me. I have a great career spreading joy to as many people as I can through books and presentations. I have a daughter, who just after learning to crawl, finds her favorite spot curled up in my lap. (I know that won’t last forever, but I’m loving it while it does.) All of these things in my life would have never happened had it not been for my passion and zest for a happy life.
How did I get here? You have to decide to see the positive lining in EVERY situation.
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