Article on Pro-Life Speaking in Harrisburg, PA
I recently got the chance to inspire attendees at the Morning Star Pregnancy Services banquet in Harrisburg, PA. My family got to join me, and we had a blast in the nearby town of Hershey, PA, eating tons of chocolate. Instead of me telling about the banquet, check out this article written by one of the attendees:
“I’ve enjoyed the life I’ve been given,” Chet says.
Granted, he does face challenges. He cannot walk long distances, so he uses a wheelchair. He must use his feet to drive and to type—but for him, that’s normal.
He fully recognizes that, in this age of extensive prenatal testing and ultrasounds, someone like him could easily be aborted. But, as he told the hundreds of people gathered at the Pennsylvania pregnancy center banquet, “We cannot know what life will bring.”