If I’m Not Broken, Neither are You!
As a motivational business speaker, Chet McDoniel focuses on uplifting and encouraging attendees at corporate events by telling his story and his view on life. Everyone from the boss down to entry-level employee can benefit from a motivational business speaker & professional keynote speaker who can challenge them to overcome daily obstacles. That’s exactly what Chet McDoniel provides. Through his life’s story and his attitude, Chet will cause your attendees to examine how they view life. Chet believes that aiming for your dreams is the only way to live.
Past Clients

I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to be a Success
This presentation focuses on why so many people think it is okay to sit on the sidelines and watch life go by. Chet certainly has a reason to avoid challenges and could take the easy way through life, leaning on his disability. He has never once, nor will he ever choose the easy way, and this talk challenges listeners to live their dreams by just telling themselves, “If Chet’s not broken, neither am I.”
Disability Awareness – Believing in Others
The video below is from an employment law seminar, and shows excerpts from the presentation, “I’m Not Broken: You Don’t Need Arms to be a Success.”
If I’m Not Broken, Neither are You!
As a motivational business speaker, Chet McDoniel focuses on uplifting and encouraging attendees at corporate events by telling his story and his view on life. Everyone from the boss down to entry-level employee can benefit from a motivational business speaker & professional keynote speaker who can challenge them to overcome daily obstacles. That’s exactly what Chet McDoniel provides. Through his life’s story and his attitude, Chet will cause your attendees to examine how they view life. Chet believes that aiming for your dreams is the only way to live.