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Ever heard your students say they enjoyed an assembly? You will now.

As a student motivational speaker, Chet McDoniel can motivate your students like no one else. Through hilarious stories about his life and tales of some rough times during middle school, Chet makes a connection with students that he speaks to. Students are encouraged and challenged to make their school a better, happier place by adopting a positive attitude. Chet is often able to include Q&A sessions with students, and his openness to questions makes the students feel very comfortable when asking questions about how Chet still has a smile even though life hasn’t been easy. Want a positive attitude in your student body? Bring in student motivational speaker, Chet McDoniel.

You Don’t Need Arms to be a Great Student

This presentation is a humorous look at Chet’s school years with an emphasis on success despite barriers. Chet will motivate your student body not only to strive for success in learning, but also to get on their way to becoming positive, joyful people. This talk also gets to the heart of bullying as Chet tells about his years of being the target of verbal and sometimes physical abuse. Instead of this topic being a boring approach, Chet tells many a funny story to help students understand that he is no different than anyone else. Once they realize how to look past the outside, bullying won’t have a foothold in your school. Full of laughter and even a Q&A time with your students, you cannot afford to miss bringing in this fantastic presentation.

Chet Tells a Story About a Bully Who Wanted to Fight

The video below is from a high-school in Tennessee, and shows excerpts from the presentation, “You Don’t Need Arms to be a Great Student”

Ever heard your students say they enjoyed an assembly? You will now.

As a student motivational speaker, Chet McDoniel can motivate your students like no one else. Through hilarious stories about his life and tales of some rough times during middle school, Chet makes a connection with students that he speaks to. Students are encouraged and challenged to make their school a better, happier place by adopting a positive attitude. Chet is often able to include Q&A sessions with students, and his openness to questions makes the students feel very comfortable when asking questions about how Chet still has a smile even though life hasn’t been easy. Want a positive attitude in your student body? Bring in student motivational speaker, Chet McDoniel

Chet McDoniel Speaks on Disability Awareness

Want to know more about having Chet speak at your event?